Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

complete package

it's messy looking but here are the packaging idea's I like. I love LOVE LOVE the bags in the first one. I wonder how cost effective it would be? maybe if i purchased the burlap and sew them? I love the little bow element in the 2nd and 3rd one. Other than the first the 4th one is my favorite because the prayer could be printed on the tags and taken off and kept to remember them. I like the look of the 2nd to last one, and the last one leaves soap exposed for people to see :) thoughts?

Monday, February 20, 2012

a house not built on the Lord is in vain!

It's been a few months since soap making because an interest of mine, and a few have even commented it would be a good thing to sell, but it's never seemed "right". Then this past weekend, while praying in the shower, which is odd, but it's my thing I guess... I was praying and I started thinking about soap, and then I heard it, a Holy Spirit inspired idea, what if you coupled the daily ritual of hand washing with prayer? and then I heard this: create clean hands and pure hearts. So I'm setting out; I'm humbled the Lord would choose me, and it's odd to me He'd use something as simple as hand washing but then again it says in Proverbs 20 that the "Lord directs a man's steps, after all who could understand his own way"

Creating the website and logo are underway. I'm doing lots of research on soap, and soap making, and asking the Lord for specific prayers. I know firstly I want to develop a prayer soap modeled after Psalms 51:10, asking the Lord to purify hearts, and renew steadfast spirits. I also want to develop a prayer soap specifically making intercession for the continent of Africa, a place that stole my heart after visiting in 2011.